Haven Yoga and Meditation explains the seven chakras
Root Chakra
The root chakra is the first chakra located at the base of the spine, represented by a lotus flower with four petals and the colour red. This chakra also forms the base foundation of the survival instinct and will to live. The root chakra is involved with controlling all of the basic needs such as food, shelter, sleep and self-preservation. A balanced root chakra will create a solid foundation for the above six chakras. The signs of an unbalanced root chakra may come through physical symptoms such as constipation, lower back pain and prostate problems. Some activities which may help promote the maintenance of a balanced root chakra are hiking, cooking, gardening and general nature-based activities. The body parts which are connected to this chakra include the legs, bones, feet, rectum, colon, adrenal gland and kidneys. The associated music note with the root chakra is note C. To help balance your root chakra we highly recommend lighting the Root Chakra candle from our website. Feel free to add cedar essential oil to your environment as well to help further promote the effect of the candle.
Sacral Chakra
The second chakra, the sacral chakra is located below the navel above the pubic bone which dictates the expressions of desire, enthusiasm and creative imagination, sexuality and passion. This chakra is represented by the lotus flower with six leaves and the colour orange. An unbalanced sacral chakra comes through in the areas of passion, pleasure and enjoyment as it is the centre of creativity and governing joy and enthusiasm. This chakra is the base for creating a resilient mind in terms of life, emotions and thoughts. An unblocked sacral chakra is vital in order to be able to develop essential personal relationships and interactions with people. An unbalanced sacral chakra can cause emotions to take over to the state of obsessions, also leading to depression. The body parts which are connected to the sacral chakra are the ovaries, testicles, kidneys, uterus and lymphatic system. Some signs of imbalance may be tension, inner conflict, sexual problems and instability. The musical note for the sacral chakra is the musical note D. We recommend lighting our sacral chakra candle and spraying your environment with our essential oil spray to help achieve a balanced sacral chakra.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The third chakra, the solar plexus is also often referred to as the “power chakra”, represented by the lotus with ten leaves in a golden-yellow colour. The solar plexus is located between the navel and the solar plexus. This chakra is responsible for controlling willpower and identity, which in return supports confidence, personal warmth, self-discipline and self-esteem. The solar plexus chakra channels personality to the world and drives movement and confident action. A healthy solar plexus balances personality and emotions into a steady and positive stream, which can be appreciated by friends, family and others. An unbalanced or overactive solar plexus may lead to obsessive behaviour and uncontrollable emotional outbursts as well as low self-esteem. A blocked third chakra may also cause stagnation, poor decision-making processes and depression. The body parts for which the third chakra is responsible are the digestive system, pancreas, and metabolism. Ways to help balance this chakra is through a healthy diet, healthy eating habits and plenty of rest. We also recommend lighting the solar plexus candle from our range along with using sandalwood essential oil to help bring back balance.
Heart Chakra
The heart chakra being the fourth chakra, is represented by the lotus flower with twelve leaves as well as the colour green. The fourth chakra is responsible for love, compassion and generosity, kindness, caring and respect for others. The heart chakra is located at the centre of the chest within the heart area. It has a balancing influence and ties together the lower and upper chakras. A balanced heart chakra is responsible for easy communication and interchange with others. It also opens up the world from a more friendly and harmonious point of view. An imbalanced heart chakra may come through in the form of physical illness, extreme jealousy, fear of intimacy, suspicion and paranoid isolation. The body parts associated with the heart chakra include the heart, blood circulation, lungs, breasts, lymphatic system. Forgiveness, practising kindness and acceptance are some ways in which the heart chakra can be put back into balance. The musical note associated with the fourth chakra is the note and the crystals emerald, moss agate, green aventurine, jade and peridot.
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Throat Chakra
The fifth chakra, the throat chakra. is represented by the sixteen petaled lotus flower in the colour blue or turquoise is associated with expression, communication in a truthful manner and compassion. The subtle wavelength of non-verbal and energy-based communications also belong to this chakra. Self-expression, creativity, the purpose of life and personal authenticity are projected through this chakra. Overactivity of the throat chakra is projected through behaviours of rapid talking, mindless gossiping and verbal aggression. A blocked throat chakra may express itself in lack of verbal control, inability to listen, excessive fear of speaking and extreme shyness. The throat chakra, similarly to its name is located in the area of the throat, with its relevant body parts being the throat, mouth, tongue, thyroid, jaw, neck and larynx. Some signs of imbalance also include difficulty with communication and uncontrolled ego. In order to balance the fifth chakra, one should engage in activities such as singing, humming, listening to music and nature. The associated musical note with the throat chakra is G, and relevant crystals include aquamarine, lapis lazuli, larimar, blue topaz. We recommend lighting the throat chakra candle in order to help bring balance back to your communication skills.
Third Eye Chakra
The sixth chakra, Third Eye Chakra, is represented by the lotus with two petals and corresponds to the colour indigo. The third eye is responsible for the inner perception and insight to help promote the clarity of thought and the contemplation, self-reflection. A balanced fifth chakra provides intuition and wisdom, while also providing trusted guidance.
Crown Chakra
The final chakra, the Crown Chakra is the most spiritual in nature of all seven chakras and is located above the crown of the head. This chakra acts as our body’s centre of spirit, wisdom, enlightenment, universal consciousness, and connection to higher guidance. Being the last chakra, the crown chakra is our highest potential, governing our communication and interaction with the universe. A blocked crown chakra can potentially make your body feel imbalanced, poorly coordinated and lower your overall ability to function physically.