Haven Yoga Meditation outlines the key differences between Reiki and traditional massage.
A question we get asked in our Brisbane Yoga studio often is: “Is Reiki the same as a massage?” The short answer is: No! Although they can serve similar purposes and complement each other well, there are a few key differences that make Reiki Healing so much more than a standard body massage. Our practitioners integrate both modalities to ensure our clients get the best result for their desired outcome.
Reiki improves the mind and soul – not just the body.
Traditional massage involves working on the different pressure points on the body in order to soothe and relax sore or tense muscles. While this is incredibly beneficial for your physical self, Reiki also targets inner healing. The aim of a Reiki session is to heal the body and mind by harmonising the body’s energy flow – directing energy to the sites of the body most in need of repair. This results in physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Performed correctly, Reiki has also been known to help with grief and relationship healing, sleep disturbance, anger management, anxiety, depression, and stress.
Reiki involves only gentle touch.
One of the biggest differences between a typical massage and Reiki is the amount of contact used on the body. Reiki uses light, non-invasive touch on both the front and sometimes the back of the body in order to recharge and revitalise the body’s natural healing ability. Some people that visit our Brisbane Reiki sessions experience gentle sensations of heat or tingling from this light touch. Some aspects of Reiki also involve no physical touch at all.
Reiki can benefit those unable to receive a massage.
There are certain people who are unable to enjoy the benefits of a deep tissue massage, such as those who have just received surgery. As it only involves light touches and gentle pressure, or no touch at all, Reiki can be more suitable for those unable to perform physically demanding tasks. Reiki is a non-invasive and non-manipulative way of speeding up the healing process and can help manage depression related to medical issues.