Where does Kundalini come from?
Kundalini Yoga is one of the most sacred and ancient forms of yoga, dating back to around 1,000BC. It incorporates different movements, breathing patterns, postures, and postural locks to fully awaken the deep and powerful energies hidden within us. The name ‘kundalini’ comes from the Sanskrit word for ‘coiled snake’, referring to the internal energy that sits coiled up in the base of our spine, waiting to be uncoiled and awoken.
How does it work?
Kundalini Yoga works by combining aspects of Bhakti yoga (including chanting), Raja yoga (for achieving mental and physical control), and Shakti yoga (expression of power and energy). Done properly, kundalini activates the mental, perceptual, and feeling faculties of our physical self. Using different meditative and breathing techniques, movements, and postures; kundalini helps release the full potential and potency of our inner energy by pulling it up through the base of the spine, through the top of the crown and out, helping to improve the balance, flow, and functionality of our energy.